Sunday, March 4, 2012


as human beings we fear a lot of things, falling in love, being lone, getting our heart broken, looking stupid, not doing the right thing, etc. but i think number one fear we as human have is being rejected. it's never fun to be told that you aren't good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, tall enough, small enough, blonde enough, and the lists goes on an on.....rejection on any level sucks, but when it comes to love i think it seems to cut a little deeper. it seems to take a toll on your self esteem and makes you question yourself...and for some strange reason we seem to always assume that it's our fault...what are we doing wrong? why isn't he interested? and despite what answers you come up with that feeling of rejection in that moment seems to to a stab at your self esteem over and over and over again until you feel hopeless.


but ask yourself this question, do you want to have to convince someone to love you? or do you want someone who just adores you with you not having to prove anything to them? don't you worry, he is out there, just be patient. I know it's hard, but it will be worth it. and as for that boy who "rejected" day you'll be glad he did. so in the mean time, there is nothing wrong with you, you aren't doing anything wrong, you're beautiful, talented, and all around amazing and quite frankly he's stupid for missing out on such an amazing girl. chin up, beautiful. don't let it get to you


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